Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The night of the big fire

   Yesterday I had very scary experience. It was a nightmare. I was at home texting my friend when suddenly realized my room was turning orange. I had not been facing the windows. I looked out the window and saw huge sky-high flames roaring not 50 feet away from my living room window and balcony. It was the most frightening, and most unreal, thing that I had ever seen.
   I have never been that close to a fire that big and out of control. I panicked and my biggest thought were my cat's safety. I depend on my cats and wanted them out the door as soon as possible. Unfortunately but understandably they were panicked by the roaring flames and also probably sensing my panic as well as I ran about the house trying to corral them towards the door to the hallway. I started crying because the windows were crackling and I could actually feel the heat inside my apartment. I was afraid the windows were going to bust in from the heat. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to get my cats out first and then didn't know if there were things I should bring with me in case the apartment caught fire: My birth certificate? Pictures of my loved ones? Important papers? I realized that I had formed no contingency plan in case of fire.
  When I realized I could not get my cats out safely I ran outside into the parking lot of my apartment building calling out that I couldn't get my cats out and could someone help me? This wonderful lady and her two male friends came into my house and helped me get one cat out. The other one went into the couch.  I actually tipped the couch over to see if she would get out and then when she wouldn't I grabbed the couch and dragged it to the front door to just get cat and couch out as a whole. She then ran out of the couch and into the closet.. When I went to get her out she attacked me which she never has done before. It hurt and I had to just grab my one cat and head out the door. The firemen were getting everyone out the building. They advised me to get a coat on as it was cold out and some shoes. I hadn't thought of that in my panic.
   I went downstairs holding Angelbaby in my arms. Lots of neighbors were out there and we found out everyone was okay. We could still hear the flames roaring so loudly and now also the sound of the tons of water spraying at the house. The nice lady brought over a blanket to cover both me and my cat.  I texted my friend back finally since the last thing she got on her phone was "Holy shit the house next door is on fire!" and that was it. She had texted me asking if I was in danger and also telling me she was very worried. I texted her back to say I was okay and tell her about the fire and getting the cats out and everything.
   The police came over to ask us if we had seen anyone next door that night. They had deemed the fire suspicious as the house next door was just being built and there were no people (thank GOD) living there yet and the drywall hadn't even been put up yet so obviously there was no electricity to start a fire, we hadn't had an electrical storm or anything so basically the only way the fire could have been started is on purpose.
   Finally we were able to go inside. I went into my apartment with the overturned couch and returned the room to it's condition. Angelbaby made  beeline for the closet when I put her down. I went outside on my porch to see what was happening outside. The fire department was still dousing the house with water but the flames were dying down and going out finally. Then we noticed that all the siding on our side of the apartment was all brown and crinkled and realized how close our homes had been to being set on fire as well.
       It is all over now but I have realized some things: I have to make up a fire plan for getting my important things out along with my cats. I need to be more prepared in general for dangers. I must make sure I have separated already the most important things to be taken out of my house if it is in danger of being destroyed.
      I am thankful that no one lived at the house yet. I am thankful our apartments didn't catch and everyone is okay. I am thankful to the woman who helped me who didn't even know me and how calm she was in the face of my fear. I am very grateful to the Bloomington Fire Department for their quick response and amazing work taking care of the fire before it got any more out of hand. Definitely they are heroes to me!
       I am feeling some leftover anxieties from the experience. I unplugged the microwave yesterday because I thought it was smoking a bit and think I will throw it out. Last night it was hard to sleep so I got up at 4am this morning because every little orange light got me looking out the window and feeling anxious.
      That is the second fire that lot has had in the last two years. I don't think they should build on that lot anymore. It seems someone has it out for them.