Friday, April 21, 2017

People's misconceptions about hidden disabilities and work issues

  I really questioned if i was going to write this. Then i questioned if I would release it but I think it's important for people to know. I have been told before over and over that I am able bodied and there should be no reason i can't work.
  Living with a hidden disability can be frustrating. People do not know you are sick because you don't look like you are. You have no cane, wheelchair or seeing eye dog. You are not outwardly showing symptoms, you can hold a conversation. I do have a visible sign of my disability. I have a benign tremor. That means I shake.....pretty much all the time. It gets worse when I am stressed or when I have to concentrate really hard on something. Some glitch in the nervous system I guess.
   I can sometimes get really upset at something that wouldn't upset someone more healthy. I can have obsessive thoughts that guide my behavior. I am forgetful, distant, spacey and require more patience from bosses and co-workers. I can make mistakes on simple tasks. I can get tired more easily and my mind can wear out more quickly and then my thinking problems only get worse.
    I can get anxiety talking to customers or dealing with difficult personal situations. I do not learn as fast as I wish I did. It took me three months at my job to finally get down the drinks and still i make mistakes and my co-workers have been very patient with me but I know it can be frustrating. If I work too many hours I get too stressed and tired and the quality of my work suffers.
    I may have to quit my job. I love my job. I love being a barista. I have worked so hard. I always work hard. People think if you are receiving any benefits and you are not visibly disabled you are cheating the system. But I have had trouble working or working consistently for a long time. I know as a certified barista i can find another job working starbucks at a time when things are humming along better. The only thing is when I have good days I feel so good!! When I am on top of the drinks, can handle a rush, am on with all the prep work it feels so good.
    But I get home and pretty much crash every day. And on my days off usually glued to the couch. I have good days off too. I sometimes go to my stress reliever---the woods. That always helps my anxiety. That is why I am a trail runner. The quiet of the woods really brings down those inner voices that get me overthinking and worrying.
   I hope we can work something out. I wanted that coffee master apron and to go to the district championships. I thought this time i could keep working with no problems. But after a couple of panic attacks at work and some days of depression while trying to work it may be i must admit it's time to go. I hope not. I really do.


  1. Oh Heather, it's Rachel...

    I know all about hidden disabilities. I am epileptic. I haven't had a seizure in 11 years, knock on wood. I am seizure free because I take a cocktail of drugs that literally would knock out a whale if they have not built up a tolerance to them. I have built up a tolerance, yet I am still exhausted all the time. The meds are technically doing their job -- they "slow me down," and by that I mean my neurons -- and thus I am able to say that I am seizure free. But basically all my energy goes into work. I have little energy for anything else. All I can do is work, come home, nap, wake up for a while, eat dinner, watch my recorded Rachel Maddow hour, read for about 30 minutes, and go back to sleep. 8 hours later, the cycle starts again.

    This is life. Weekends, I catch up on sleep, take long, three-hour naps, squeeze in an errand or two, and start all over again.

    Try to hang in there. So what if you sleep a lot when you are not at work? It is good to be well-rested. (Wink, wink) I know: even though we sleep, we do not FEEL well-rested. At least, I sure don't. But keep trying. I am rooting for you. Plus, you have access to plenty of caffeine, which really helps during the waking moments, although I bet it doesn't help your tremor. I find my hands shake more with caffeine. But it's caffeine=career... So, caffeine it is.

    Thinking of you. Do what you need to do, but I am here if you need me.

    1. Thank you for your comments! Yes the medicines to fix things, as much as they can be fixed, can sometimes carry such side effects they add to the illness. I am glad you are not having seizures anymore. I am proud of you for all you are able to do on all those medications because I am on many that are pretty sedating and so I know what that can feel like. Thanks for being so supportive! :-) Take care of yourself and get ALL the napping you need. naps rock.
