So what to do about Brain? Divert attention. That is difficult as Brain is the center of all attention-focusing processes like Eyes, Ears and Body so Brain must be cleverly bypassed by focusing Eyes on calm surroundings, Ears to calming sounds or Body to a physical activity like rest or exercise. Only then can Brain take a break and realize things are fine it is only an illusion of chaos and not actually chaos. Sometimes it is best to let Brain take an extended vacation when it is stuck in "unpleasant" mode and just try to relax into something mindless or Brain-less if you will. Listen to the hum of a fan, watch a single point on the wall for five minutes, close eyes and listen to all the sounds and pay attention to that and that only. Then Brain will be able to rest.
And...tomorrow is another day.
A calm in the storm
Be a calm eye in the midst of the storm
A tiny web of light in the darkness,
small and echoing like a rock bounced
down the walls of a cave
bringing that light down to where
it can do the most good
Be that candle flame, that errant sunbeam,
take the noise of chaos and
drown it with love. smother it with joy. quiet it with the beat of your heart.
H.Rose 3-20