Thursday, February 19, 2015

New life: Born by the wild north winds


  A blog is a wonderful thing. It can help you reach out to many people and bring them into your world. It helps to spread the word about your message---whatever that message may be. It is a window into other people's lives---what they think, what they do, what they believe and what they are afraid of most. 
        I am embarking on several journeys right now not only in my sport but also in my personal life. These are journeys that are wonderful and wild and bring me immense happiness. I have never been so unguarded in my optimism, so sure of potential failure and so excited to find out if the next great experience will bring me up to the light or knock me down. Either way it's a learning experience: I will know now what works and what doesn't and it's okay. I know I can bring myself up to those heights and when I am knocked down have the capacity and strength to climb back up.
        It is not comfort I seek anymore. It is new things, new people, new travels. I cannot stay on the ground because there are no wild winds there. I want my life to rumble with the great tectonics of change---to be on unsure footing every day so that someday I  can say I was part of that great earthquake. I will separate myself from those who run from the quaking to those that laugh while they ride it out.        I am in the midst of a wildness of growth--that part of a plant's life where it is teetering on the edge of seedling to real maturity. I am just getting out of the awkward stage of my journey. I am past the point of no return. I do not remember the former me.  She is a phantom and I cannot even see where she is anymore.
          The friends and contacts I have made on this journey are the lights that guide me when I am in the dark. They remind me that those who venture the farthest are those that find the best views; that being still and quiet has it's place but daring to fling my arms wide and proclaim I AM is one of the best feelings in the world.

How could I move forward with my feet planted? How could I find that beautiful edge of "can't believe I''m doing this" had I not run by the jaws of wild things? Though the run was hard it was gorgeous: the views from the top, from the edges, were better than I ever dreamed. 
     Einstein said " I find now there are two ways to live: You can live as though nothing is a miracle; you can live as though everything is a miracle"

Darkened Me

My next lover comes to me
 in dreams of black and white
Watching me for moves unlike myself
As though the years have darkened me 
and sent me running
for less expansive pastures and drier fields
I am still wild and free
A wild wolf howling in the moonless night
And i will see eternity in your green eyes
and nighttime smiles.


Remember this:  Either you make life an adventure or you wait patiently for the grave.