Saturday, April 6, 2019

Spring greening

Spring has come and summer soon after
like a frame of flowers glowing
in late afternoon sunlight.
A billow of wind
takes spring from us
for a bit
but I remain hopeful
that soon the wind will
grow warmer.

I see small green buds
on every tree
and feel renewed.

The days are longer.
I forget what time it is.
I set my geodes upfon my porch rail
to gleam sparkles in the sunshine.

My home is open again,
the cats roaming freely
porch to home.
They give me a small
turn of head to thank me
the way that cats can.

My bike calls to me,
for now I am saved from
noise and humanity
and I ride my through busy streets
making my own schedule.

I wish the warmth could last forever.
I wish the trees could have green
every day.
But eventually the winter will come.

But for now, here on my porch,
all is easy and small gifts come to me
like a bit of sunshine
or the lightness of shorts and t-shirt
after the long burdens of coat, hat and gloves.

Bring forth the warmth you smiling sun
and keep us remembering
that life is change
day by day
and the change can bring forth
both cold nights and warm days.

Blessings come in small things.