Sunday, July 28, 2013

Procrastination: do it later

    I have SO MUCH TO DO! And you know what? I am not doing any of it....YET. Here is my checklist of stuff I am supposed to get done today:

1. write out trekking class, work on playlist
2. Finish pre-marathon prep: i.e. hydration/nutrition plan, clothes choices, taper strategy for this week.
3. Get ready for the new week
4. Make my lunch meal for the next few days
5. Call AFAA about my certificate

Yeah. That's all. And you know what I AM doing? Cruising facebook, looking at YouTube videos, blogging.
Basically I am writing a post about procrastination as a means of procrastination. Why do we do this? I am usually pretty good about tackling things but something happens to me on Sundays. Even though I have prep work to do sometimes it is hard to get to it. I always get it done but it might be a race to the finish to do it. And it's not like I don't LOVE my work. I DO! I have the greatest job in the world. And I am psyched about my marathon so that is not it either. Do I like having that "down-to-the-wire" thrill of adrenaline? Maybe. Anyway, I guess I better stop writing my blog and get back to what I am supposed to be doing.

Or maybe I will do it after a little bit. I hear YouTube calling my name................

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