Monday, January 6, 2014

Cabin fever and what to do about it: Part Deux

As part of my cabin fever therapy yesterday in addition to other things I found blogging to be a fun way to pass the time. Today I have been inside most of the day except for a 2 mile arctic run downtown just to get out of the darn house for a bit. I was going to go to the library but it was closed. So was the coffee shop so I took the bus home because...yeah...COLD! It was kind of interesting running outside though and I got to see my friend Chris who called me a good way. (?)
List of stuff I did today:
1. laundry (starting out exciting!)
2. watched junk daytime TV
3. emailed and messaged people on facebook
4. took pictures of my cat
5. called my friend in Australia (heat wave there!)
6. made stir fry
7. wrote out a trekking class
8. drank a beer after dinner
9. Read articles on and looked up funny things online to read
10. threw boiling water outside to see if i could make snow. I didn't.
12. napped
13. Thought about Tecumseh. Read weather reports and stuff about Tecumseh.
14. practiced my chin ups on my bar.
15. fixed the cable (I guess that was up there with junk TV)
16. thought about what I am going to do tomorrow. Snow day (s)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cabin fever and what to do about it

So it's snowing. And also slushing. And freezing tonight because of friggin' cold temps overnight. Tomorrow will be a day at home. I have cabin fever today. Something about being inside all day makes me tired. I have also been on winter break from work now for two weeks which SOUNDS awesome but after enough time I am really running out of things to do with myself.
Things I have done to entertain myself today:

1. organized my office
2. made a video of my cat drinking diet pepsi
3. watched stand up comedy on Netflix
4. read web comics like the Oatmeal and Hyperbole and a Half
5. put my heart rate monitor on and lay down trying to see how low I could get it to go
6.watched the snow fall
7.had coffee
8. argued with the cable company because my cable is not working
10.sent off some emails
11. facebooked
12. looked at funny memes online
13. ate animal crackers and milk
14.started a pork chop in the slow cooker to have for dinner
15. worked on filing
16. Watched a Psych marathon on my DVD player

17. Planning what I am going to do tomorrow when I have to stay in AGAIN.

snow day.