Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Heart in it's Wildness

        The nature of attachment: What does that mean? For some it means attachment to material items. For some it means attachment to people or ideals or political beliefs or religious beliefs. Attachment means that something Connects you to something else--or someone else.
         The thing about attachment is that it brings with it an expectation of reciprocal attachment. The expectations are what lead to unhappiness as the one partner feels like they are not being met with the same quantity of love as they are giving out.
        But love is not finite. Love doesn't have boundaries or borders or a designated amount and then there is no more. Real love is detachment. It is being happy that others have love in their lives and willing to share in their happiness. Real love is letting others go and do whatever brings them joy and fulfillment and makes their lives worth living. Love is not like money in a wallet that you spend and then there is no more. It keeps coming and the more of it you spend the more of it you have to share.
       A heart is a bottomless well with depth and clarity and secret pockets of light. A heart is a wind which takes with it all that makes you real. A heart is a night sky alight with stars that burst and swirl and inflame each other and the space around them--a holy grail of graciousness.
    So BE BOLD with your heart. Detach from expectations and desires and wishes and needs. Let it flow around and with others and guide them to you and let them go back out again like a boat on a current.

The Flight of Her

Arms up like tall grass in the field
   Wanting to fly—a butterfly in the breeze—
Feet planted to the ground like roots—
   Beckoning to stand and hold still.
But still there are stars where she wants to go
     And the moon beats like her heart—all pale and glowing
Lifting from that solid ground she can be swept up
A bit of fluff—a  small leaf—borne to the windswept
     Upper reaches and there to hover—
The ground so far below and she doesn’t care.

She is where the sun and stars gather—
        There is nothing else she would rather be

Than this.  Herself free.

Heather Lake, 2014, Summer Solstice

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