Tuesday, April 25, 2017

POEM: Empty rooms and new doors

Do you ever feel like something is missing?
Do you ever feel like there is nothing there?
Empty? Do you ever feel that you are alone?
The quiet of the afternoon, no one around,
dusky rooms and a bright computer screen.

Trying to write out thoughts
to figure things out
like where do I go from here?
I want to continue to fly
I want to keep moving forward
My feet are turned towards the door
I just need to step outside it

Remember people love me.
Remember I love others.
Remember how much I enjoy
simple things like sunshine, rainy evenings,
animals, my friends, the woods, my job, feeling useful,
feeling needed.
And though one chapter of my life may be ending,
Another one is beginning.
My life has not been a short story,
it's been a novel.

And I am not at the final chapter yet.


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