Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Invitation. A poem

 The Invitation

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for
And if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love
For your dream
For the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have touched the center of your sorrow,
If you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain
Mine or your own
Without moving to hide it
Or fade it
Or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy
Mine or your own
If you can dance with wildness
And let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes
Without cautioning us
To be careful
To be realistic
To remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if what you are telling me is true.
I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself.
If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
And not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless and still trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see beauty
Even when it's not pretty every day.
And if you can source your own life from it's presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure
Yours and mine
And still stand at the edge of the lake
And shout to the silver moon

It doesn't interest me where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up after the night of despair,
Weary and bruised to the bone
And still do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you are or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire
With me
And not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you from the inside
When all else fades away.

I want to know if you can be alone
And if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.


Monday, October 29, 2018

Sleep treads water-a poem

Sleep treads water.
I ask it to fall deep
and bring me to my silent place.
My thoughts drip down -
rain falling on a plane of glass
and dark around me,
stars brilliant upon the cold night sky.
A night where sleep slips
from my grasp-
dashes off like a bird in flight
or a momentary scent
of sweetness as you pass
an open, flowery field.
It's ephemeral tonight
this drifting down
to rest-to solid slumber
and with every breath I take
the clock ticks onward
stealing bits of sleep from me.
My eyes are weary
and long to touch lash to lash
bringing me down to the deep

Heather Rose

Friday, July 20, 2018

Poem: Burning stars and flaming souls

 Burning stars and flaming souls

Sometimes what you need is all you need.
What you want is your life your way
your differences are your shield
and your world is always your own.

There is a place deep within us
that knows what keeps us whole
and that great inner galaxy
swirls with desperate intensity
Setting the worlds around on fire.

The mind can be an Escher maze
where things are upside down and inside out.
We walk the stairs and find ourselves the wrong way 'round.
But there is always a light that guides us
If we can recognize it through the haze.

Bring your deep within to me
And let me see your darkness
For I will not run and I will not hide
Because our nightfall is the same.
When you feel the icy hand of terror
Covering your heart and freezing the soul
Remember I am here for you
I am not afraid of tears
And despair has been a companion
that's walked beside me many times.
Let’s be stars together
Shining in the night
Spinning together toward that
Clear and dazzling light.

Heather Lake

Monday, May 7, 2018

Soul singing in Virginia

I walk through tall trees,
green lichen covers the rocks
and I place my feet
one step at a time
upon this old and glorious earth.

Rock stairs and craggy paths
lead me towards the top of the world
where fields and mountains
lay below me--a quilt of green
and the distant range so blue
it looks like waves of water.

It looks unreal.

The wind at the top blows
my hair into spirals
spinning around my head.
I stand on a rock and
gaze toward the landscape
feeling the ancient hills
breathing the rhythm of the world.

Feeling the definition of the Hand of God

Pine trees all around me now
and an army of scrub brush
I find the fabled AT trail.
I feel like I'm with a celebrity
walking this famous path.
I climb another hill and hear the rumble of thunder
And watch a dark plume of storm cloud burst from the next peak.

I stop and lay down on the grass,
putting my hands upon the ground
and send up a thank you to the sky

Hiking past waterfalls and rock-strewn paths
I see the wild ponies grazing.
A pregnant mare, a sweet foal and beautiful stallions calmly pluck grass ignoring our excited photo taking.

And when my adventure is done
I return to my friends
Who shared this with me
And my soul healing knows no bounds

Heather Lake
Upon visiting the mountains of Virginia

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A trip down memory lane with the grandkids

My life has had so many wonderful moments with my family given to me thanks to Melinda. I have been with the girls since they were little all the way up to now when the eldest girl will be turning 18 tomorrow.  Tempus Fugit!

Rain as a baby. Look at that smile!

Here is the beginning of our shared family. Nikki was Melinda's daughter and Rain and Sky came with Nikki when she moved down here. It was the beginning of something that would affect me the rest of my life. Even though we lost Melinda in 2007 she left behind a legacy.

 This was when I first met Sky. She was just a baby with such fine, light hair it wouldn't stay down and looked almost white. Big eyes. She wasn't talking yet when I first got to know her.

Melinda, my late wife, and rain when she was 2 years old. I love this photo. 

Rain blowing bubbles out in the yard at our little house. She was so easy to please and she enjoyed such little things. And so inquisitive.

Here is Sky during her Head Start years. She loved to make art and was very good at it. These days she enjoys books. 

We lived in this little 2 bedroom house with their mom. It was crowded but fun and busy. The girls were growing up so much! Sky above is brushing my hair and there she is about 2 sleeping.

This one is one of my favorites. Sky in her cool sunglasses makes me smile  :-)

Rain is feeding her dolly. So intent on her motherly duties!

The BIG KID bus! How exciting!

Rain's first day of kindergarten. So nervous but so excited for the big bus and the big school.  Seeing her getting on that bus was a big moment for all of us. And there she went.....starting school. 

A year after Melinda passed away Ocean was born. This photo is of Rain, Sky and Ocean in their family portrait. 

This photo was actually taken in the dark with a flash camera. We were singing happy birthday to her and i guess she didn't want to hear it. Ha. Got her a spongebob cake and I bought her a mini electric guitar. 

Just giving her a squeeze! Ocean is 2 now.

Sky and Ocean. So sweet!

I love this photo of Rain and Sky. So pretty and peaceful looking. 

Took Ocean to the park. She is almost as big as I am! I think she will be tall. It was a beautiful day 

Ocean getting used to a headlamp maybe be a runner like her grandma. Getting started on her strength training too with an exercise ball. They loved playing with my exercise stuff. 

This was a day all three of them were playing outside on their bikes and just goofing around. Rain was being extremely silly. Sky was hanging out watching the action. Ocean was enjoying her tricycle. It was a lovely summer day.

Goofing off with cat face   

I took this quick candid shot of Rain. I love it so much. Her easy smile and smiling eyes. She looks so happy and relaxed. Getting bigger all the time!

Sky trying on the marathon gear. Maybe she will go for one someday! She loved to wear the reflective blanket and the medal.

Sky is ready to be a marathon champion! Look at that face. Ready to take on the world!

This was my first photo taken with Savanna. She was born after Ocean. So little here!

Savanna falling asleep at the Women's Reproductive Rights Rally. It wore her out! she is wearing her pink ribbon

Ocean, Savanna and I last summer. Two shiny girls and a very proud grandma.


Love my girls!!!! 

Ocean, last November, celebrating her 9th birthday. She is getting to be such a big girl. Time goes by so quickly. It's important to capture what you can while its here.

A photo of the whole family. Nikki, Rain, Sky, Ocean, Savanna and the little guy with the Ipad is JJ. The whole crew present and accounted for!

So many years later and we are still a great family. Rain is turning 18 tomorrow. An official adult. From little tiny to lovely young woman. Sky isn't far behind her--turning to an interesting young woman herself. Savanna and Ocean are in school and JJ will be following soon enough.

I have such gratitude for all these times with the kids, with Nikki, with Melinda. Families aren't always born of blood but of love.

I love my family so much and so happy to have them. Everyone growing up before my eyes and I get to see all the changes and experiences. I am a very lucky woman.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Snow Day: A poem

Snow Day

Snow falling on trees
branches swirled like spider webs
in the sun,
a reflection of light and
perpetuation of shadows
guiding me on my walk today.

The snow like a white ribbon
scarcely used and devoid
of footprints--
the world is quiet,
no birdsong,
the wind a companion
that brings flakes to my eyes.

The early morning silence
falls into my ears
I feel deaf
and I cannot hear my feet walking.

Out in that swirling maelstrom
of white there lies a secret
that the cold whispers to me.

Great things happen in the absence of noise”
My soul lies still
relaxation of my busy desires.
I long only, for a moment,
to dream in my inner space.
