Saturday, January 26, 2019

A little update on myself for 2019

      It's been awhile since I have been able to do my blog. My computer broke 6 months ago and since I couldn't figure out how to fix it i just disassembled it and put it in the closet and bought a typewriter which is awesome for writing but you can't post it online.
   Christmas was fun. I worked some and got to visit some friends and enjoyed just relaxing at home. I worked Christmas Eve at the community kitchen packing to go meals for people.
  These days I have been very busy working at Feta, the middle eastern restaurant I am employed at. I enjoy working with people and the crew there are all very nice and hard working. I am starting to work as a prep cook too which is fun to learn how to make all the dishes.
   The other day I made the pickled cauliflower which is a kind of lengthy process. I cut up all the cauliflower, then made and cooked the brine and put it all together. It's pretty tasty. I am learning the proper way to cut herbs and how to make various things. I have never been a very complicated cook so it's fun to learn new ways to prepare things.
  I have been reading a  lot as well. I have usually 4 books going at the same time. Right now I am reading a Jack Keroak novel and a J.D. Salinger book of short stories. I am also working on Life of Pi and a book called Nevermore which is a collection of short stories inspired by the works of Edgar Allen Poe.
  Joint problems, muscle pain and back issues have stymied much of my physical activities these days so I am looking into starting Yoga and Tai Chi for Arthritis at the YMCA. Getting up and down is difficult now with my knees as they are but I figure I can do some things with Yoga and perhaps my mobility will get better with it.
  I miss running but it is just not possible for me anymore. I do still enjoy walking in the woods and being outdoors however and in the warmer weather I spend a lot of time on my commuter bike and walking. I walk in the winter as well unless it's really deathly cold.
   I am working on getting out more. Actually I have been working on that for quite some time now. I had a nice experience working with some students from IU this fall. The speech and hearing center at IU put it together for me.
   Three students (a medical student, a social work student and a speech therapy student plus a  mentor) came to my house once a month for three months. We worked on ways to improve my memory, get more social and work on some medical issues. They were very nice and helpful.  I had done the same thing last year.
  So looking into the new year I am working on some personal things. One is to continue to find social experiences, especially as it gets warmer and it's easier to get out. Another is to continue to work on several health issues. And, last but not least, celebrate my 50th birthday in September. Thinking of something special to do for that.

I hope all of you have a happy, healthy 2019!

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