Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Winds of Chance

The Winds Of Chance

The roads I have travelled in my life
have been winding,
   dipping through darkness and light.
From great depths of despair
  to heights that were dizzying
I lived and I learned and I found love and care.
I found the best way to turn your life around
is help someone else get their feet on the ground. 

Through friends met, gained and lost,
   I remember life is a river
and I'm just the flotsam that drifts through the currents.
  I can't control it and I don't want to. 
I put my life in the hands of forces
  beyond my human ken.
 I cannot control things.
I can dot every i and cross every T but 
plans can go up in flames
and many times they do.

So I make new tactics each time
and I do not give up.
Life is a wild ride 
and I drink from it's cup. 

I know this one thing:
the more you give out the more you get back. 
Energy expended becomes energy revived. 
When things are dark around you
grab for someone else's hand
and you go forward together
into the deep and into the light
and remind each other

Never give up the fight. 

Heather Lake

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