Thursday, April 9, 2015

The tale of the sucking monster--as told by the cats

       I don't mean to scare any sweet kitties out there who have never heard, nor seen, the sucking  monster however it is real. It's huge and roars and has teeth. It sucks up things and will suck you up too if you don't run away.
      I first met the sucking monster when my human brought it out one day. I thought Hmmm....wonder that THAT does?? Then she must have said something to it because suddenly it started roaring so loudly my eardrums hurt. I knew it was coming for me and my companion, Angelbaby. We fled to the closet because sucking monsters can't fit in there. We listened, horrified, as it sucked up everything it came across. The roaring was deafening. The monster seemed to have no remorse for it's killing spree. It just kept going through the house screaming and yelling. We hoped it didn't like the closet. It didn't seem to.
    It sucked up all our precious fur we had shed so carefully around the house--marking it lovingly as our own. All our fur was GONE! We hoped it would stop at the fur on the furniture and floor and not get hungrier for what we still had ON us but we couldn't be sure. So we continued to hide---sure any moment the monster would find us, would suck us into it and we would disappear.
   We learned. We knew the sucking monster would come out when the human would lure it with sweet smelling powder all over the floor. We ran and hid then because we are smart kitties and we know what comes next.

When the sucking monster is at last laid quiet--presumably to feed on what it has sucked up  on that day----we wait still for awhile and then come out watchfully, making sure it is really back in it's cage in the hall closet. Then we go about re-shedding everything it had sucked dry. Our fur is magical. The more we shed around the house the more the house is ours. And our human feels more comfortable. We think the sucking monster has told her that fur leavings are bad but she knows better. She knows it shows we love her and want her to take us with her everywhere----on her clothes, her coat and hat and socks. These are our little tokens of love for her.

So kitties when your human starts to spread around sweet smelling powder just know what will come next and HIDE as though your life depended on it. Because it truly does.

Miyako and Angelbaby

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