Monday, August 8, 2016

What I think of Straight Pride

Straight Pride is something thought up by *some* of the straight population who believe Gay Pride is somehow "locking them out". This is what I think of that:

1. Straight people didn't get their clubs busted in and sent to jail for deciding to have some time to have fun and dance.
2. Straight people have always been able to get married, adopt kids, be on each other's health insurance, collect survivor's benefits, have the children they conceive able to be both of theirs without having to adopt them by one partner, and all the other accoutrements of legality awarded to them without having to fight tooth and nail for them.
3. Straight people have never been killed for being straight.
4. Straight kids have not been bullied by others, tied to fences, beaten up, shamed, cyber-bullied or otherwise had their school experience destroyed for being straight.
5. Straight people have always been celebrated and accepted.
6. Straight people have never been forced against their will to marry outside of their orientation.
7. Straight people have never lost their families, jobs, security, housing and other needed things because they are straight.
8. Straight people have not had to put up with people saying god hates them and had their military funerals picketed for being straight.
9. Straight people in other countries have not been killed for being straight.
10. Straight people were not killed in the Holocaust for being straight.
11. Straight people have never been thrown into mental institutions for being straight.

For LGBTQ youth:
  • Nearly a fifth of students are physically assaulted because of their sexual orientation and over a tenth because of their gender expression.
  • About two-thirds of LGBT students reported having ever been sexually harassed (e.g., sexual remarks made, being touched inappropriately) in school in the past year.
  • The average GPA for students who were frequently physically harassed because of their sexual orientation was half a grade lower than that of other students.

On the subject of sexual assault and rape:

 1 in 8 lesbian women and nearly half of bisexual women experience rape in their lifetime, and statistics likely increase when a broader definition of sexual assault is used. Nearly half of bisexual men and four in ten gay men have experienced sexual violence other than rape in their lifetime, and though statistics regarding rape vary, it is likely that the rate is higher or comparable to heterosexual men. As with most hate-based violence, transgender individuals are the most likely to be affected in the LGBT community. A staggering 64% of transgender people have experienced sexual assault in their lifetime.

So by these facts and statistics and many, many more there is no reason for straight pride. The straight people have always had the sway of community recognition, rights of marriage and the backing of their families. The only way this is different for straight people is if racial, ethnic or religious conflicts arise.

So to those who want straight pride---get over yourselves.

Because the above ridiculous.

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