Friday, December 23, 2016

How to spend Christmas alone without feeling lonely

I am alone for Christmas. It is not too bad as I am becoming more of an introvert and I have lived alone now for almost 10 years so I am used to it. I really don't mind being alone. I feel I refresh my batteries--Heather on the charger so to speak. Many people are alone for the holidays and many feel lonely. I want to reach out to those through this post and let them know that though they may be alone you are not really ever alone. If you have family and friends, even if you are not seeing them on that day, you can remember that you are still loved.

I have been alone for many holidays over the years and have discovered some nice things to do so I can celebrate it without getting sad about it.

1. Do something special for yourself on that day. Whether it is ordering some yummy food, cooking something special, watching a good movie or taking a walk to the park. Find something special to do just for you.

2. Call your family and hear their voices. Wish them a happy holidays and feel their love from afar.

3. Spend some time reading something good or engaging your mind somehow.

4. Keep the tree lit, the decorations out, the special atmosphere that will let your mind know it's a special day.

5. Make up some holiday traditions of your own. One of mine is to do something nice for someone else around the holidays. Even small things can take you out of your own head and give you a nice, fuzzy feeling. Buy a coffee for a bell ringer, donate to the animal shelter, send someone a card or nice letter, whatever can bring you joy through giving others some joy.

6. Find something funny to read online or something funny to watch. I don't have TV so I watch YouTube and Netflix. Finding something to make you laugh is very good medicine.

There are so many more things you can do: go to a movie, go out to eat, have a little eggnog or buy some special coffee or anything that makes you happy, take a bubble bath.......

The Holidays can be hard. It's important to remember that people love you even if they are not there. I will be having a special day all by myself and that's okay.

Happy Holidays friends and loved ones. Make it special. Have some fun. Do something for you. Do something for someone else. Do away with calorie counting for the day. Get some exercise. Remember you are special to someone out there.


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