Sunday, March 5, 2017

The trickiness of the invisible disability

    I am so happy I can keep a good job. I am so happy I can live independently and handle many things on my own. I have helpers but they don't need to micromanage. I have doctors who treat me with care and consideration. I have work that makes me happy, good friends and  a place to lay my head at night.
  Though I have a few conditions which work against me I am good at fighting and I am good at hiding when I am not feeling my best. I work hard every day at staying as healthy as I can and still being able to have a full and enjoyable life.

There are many disabilities which are invisible to the eye. I don't have a guide dog, a wheelchair or an obvious developmental disability. I DO have a few setback to my overall health that I have combated since I was 22 years old and still affect me today. Sometimes these things are more obvious than other times. Sometimes I can hide them almost completely. ;

However for those who see people acting strangely on the bus, parking in a disabled parking spot when they can walk, using a service dog when they don't seem on the outside to need one......don't judge them. Think about taking a walk in their shoes for one day and see if you can see  a difference.

It only takes one hurtful comment to ruin someone's day. If you can't be kind at least be quiet.

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