Sunday, January 24, 2016

If you're going through Hell, keep going



       In the past few months I have been met with a number of personal challenges. I have felt, in turn, sadness, anger, frustration, strength and weakness, doubt and uncertainty. Though some of them have been through my own doing and some of them given to me of no fault of mine they are equally difficult. There is something, though, about any kind of struggles that they make one MORE than they were before. One find within some spark of the soul that can bring strength when one is at their weakest.
       I must remember that the energy of the universe is always drifting towards entropy and that nothing lasts. Good times end. Friendships change and drift away. New friendships can be forged.Love can come and go. Circumstances are always changing and the feelings that accompany them shift over time but hard times also don't last. They are not a solid rock which remains but flow over ones life like water. I must envision that whatever is now causing me pain cannot last. 
       I believe that this time is put there for me to find the Spirit. Whatever ones view of that spirit is I think all people believe in something whether that has a name or face or whether it is just the simple faith that though the universe may sometimes seem to be a cold, empty, unsympathetic place there is good there somewhere. 
      I remind myself of this several times a day. I tell myself that since things are always in flux that there will be time soon when things will be better. If I just push through and settle into the fact that things right now are not as good as I wish them to be then I will find something golden at the end. If I just take care of myself and keep myself in a good space then good things will find their way back to me. 
      As the adage says "If you're going through Hell, keep going."If things right now seem too complicated and too much to bear just keep walking for through this desert one can eventually find the light.

   Though sometimes the world may seem too big, too overburdened and uncaring there must be a belief that people are not inevitably forgotten and no one is completely alone. 

Peace be with you

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