Wednesday, June 22, 2016

stormy weather forecast in paradise

hey there blog readers. Things here at the Lake house have been a bit under the weather lately. Diagnosed with a bipolar illness is already tough-. Tack some thyroid problems onto that and it becomes stormy weather indeed.

I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. It's when the thyroid doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone. All kinds of stuff can happen:  cold intolerance, weight gain, depression, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, trouble learning new things, foggy thinking, memory problems, dry skin, the list goes on...

So here I am trying to register the new illness to go along with the old illness i still deal with daily.

What I am working on now:

1. getting out of the house daily
2. getting help to get out for my runs because my fatigue makes my motivation ZERO.
3. getting rid of gluten, soy, dairy and sugar. Some of these I have already been working on. some of them i am starting to work on.
4. Keeping a positive outlook on things
5.  Working tests online to keep the brain moving
6. finding things to be excited about--to look forward to
7. making sure i am honest with my friends about how i am truly feeling day to day--not giving the standard "FINE" when asked by someone I am close to. Obviously not to the grocer or the guy on the street but with true friends being honest when i am having a bad day. And a good day! And all the days in between.
8. Have some fun every day
9. Laughing
10. finding people to do stuff with when i am feeling tired and like "hermiting" ---my new word
11. Being safe, secure and well
12. Feeling the love all around me
13. Knowing things will always get better.
14. Knowing that having these things will make me a better helper for others who face these things and that is a fine thing indeed.

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